Today was sad. Besides not passing my last math competency again, I kept finding myself in the middle of these "a ha" moments as Ms. Handy would call them. Like during 1960's when you turn to your tablemate and you realize we're thinking the same thing as we laugh to each other about that crazy man Terry Dostie, or when people will help me organize the yearbook table and help sell them immediately without being asked, or when we're in Physics and someone slides their calculator or formula sheet (with revised "formulas" on it) over to you because you forgot yours that day. Its these tiny, seemingly irrelevant moments that honestly are the most relevant and the most wonderful parts of my fleeting days at SHS. Cheers to the end of the last week of regular classes, '11. Cheers to the beginning of the end.
Obviously this post is late, as I got home late last night. After having what felt like a therapy session with my favorite Physics teacher, I hopped in the car and was off to watch one of my best friends graduate. One of the first I became friends with when I moved to Rollinsford just over 6 years ago, E and I have since stayed close even though we haven't lived across the street from each other in ages. Congrats, E! See you at mine in 11 (10) days!
Now I'm off to coach my last practice of my high school career. All of these lasts keep making me forget that I have so many first on the way, but that's a post for another day (rhyme!). I'll post my endeavors of Day 10 later tonight- I have such a busy day ahead of me. Hopefully tears will not be included.
"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
live simply.
A day-in-the-life account of a tree hugger just looking for more trees to hug.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Day 12: Oh Thursday...
Today was classic. Thursdays are always the finest days of the week. And by finest I mean the best. And by the best I mean not the best.
This post tonight, unfortunately is about to end. I'm exhausted. I came home from school today sunburnt and frankly burnt out, which translated into a five-hour nap. I'm about to go back to sleep after I finish up a little math, and hopefully I'll have the energy for a legitimate and awesome post tomorrow night!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John R. Wooden
live simply.
This post tonight, unfortunately is about to end. I'm exhausted. I came home from school today sunburnt and frankly burnt out, which translated into a five-hour nap. I'm about to go back to sleep after I finish up a little math, and hopefully I'll have the energy for a legitimate and awesome post tomorrow night!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John R. Wooden
live simply.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Day 13: Canucks in Four?
Today was great. Minus the math class, minus the phone dying, and minus the sunburn. Otherwise, it really was great! L came and got me from school after first block and we spent a few ours catching up on R&R. We took a dip in the frigid ocean, laxed a little and scored some candy on our walk into town. After I scarfed down my bag of taffy, we laxed a bit more, people watched, and I unknowingly scorched my shoulders and back. A few hours later and my backside was a bright lobster red when I woke up from a nap and I headed to my final Stu.Co. banquet. I can't believe everything is ending, just like that. I watched as the seniors before me took their final steps, but how different it is to actually be taking those steps on my own.
Short post tonight- tried homeworking while the Bruins were on... multitasking fail. Besides the homework, I can't lay on my back quite yet; perfect conditions for a quality all-nighter. I'm really going to miss high school.
"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert J. Collier
live simply.
Short post tonight- tried homeworking while the Bruins were on... multitasking fail. Besides the homework, I can't lay on my back quite yet; perfect conditions for a quality all-nighter. I'm really going to miss high school.
"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert J. Collier
live simply.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Day 14: Sobfest '11 (almost)
Today was rough. Incompetent in math, unresponsive in 1960's, and barely lucid in third block, today was difficult to say the least. That all lead up to a stroll down memory lane in physics and a near cryfest as I pored over the writings of my classmates' yearbook signings. On a lighter note, CK lead the softball team to a victory and on Saturday to the championship, and I couldn't be more proud. Congratulations, girls!
But, of everything I could have done, nothing, and I truly mean nothing could have prepared me for this. It's early in the countdown and I already feel pressed for time. I feel not regret, but sadness for all the wasted moments over the last four years; moments I should have been spending with the wonderful people who now fill my life as our time at SHS dwindles to a close. I am so incredibly thankful for all the coincidences and mishaps, because in all they've lead me towards these really amazing people, and I am so sorry that I didn't see it before. I spent far too much time worrying about the wrong things and the wrong people cause you see, they've been there for me all along. In and out of my life with little fanfare, I should have had the biggest parade for them all. Tonight I cross off yet another day and I can't keep the tears from welling up (somewhat due to allergies but mostly because of my newfound fondness for high school). I never, ever imagined feeling upset about graduating, but the time has come and surprise- I'm a wreck. We'll see how tomorrow goes, Senior Skip Day and I may end up bawling my eyes out on the beach. Surf's up.
"There is no remedy for love but to love more." -Henry David Thoreau
live simply.
But, of everything I could have done, nothing, and I truly mean nothing could have prepared me for this. It's early in the countdown and I already feel pressed for time. I feel not regret, but sadness for all the wasted moments over the last four years; moments I should have been spending with the wonderful people who now fill my life as our time at SHS dwindles to a close. I am so incredibly thankful for all the coincidences and mishaps, because in all they've lead me towards these really amazing people, and I am so sorry that I didn't see it before. I spent far too much time worrying about the wrong things and the wrong people cause you see, they've been there for me all along. In and out of my life with little fanfare, I should have had the biggest parade for them all. Tonight I cross off yet another day and I can't keep the tears from welling up (somewhat due to allergies but mostly because of my newfound fondness for high school). I never, ever imagined feeling upset about graduating, but the time has come and surprise- I'm a wreck. We'll see how tomorrow goes, Senior Skip Day and I may end up bawling my eyes out on the beach. Surf's up.
"There is no remedy for love but to love more." -Henry David Thoreau
live simply.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Day 15: The Countdown Begins (and starts over)
Today was the beginning of the end. Fifteen days left until June 21st. Fifteen days until my life as a student at Somersworth High School is over forever. So I'm taking up this blog to mark the final moments of my senior spring. If you've even visited this blog once, you know that I haven't been keeping up on here really at all lately. It happens. Life happens. Sometimes it's better to live it than write about it or take pictures of it and although usually I vote for the composing and photographing, lately I've been about the breathing and laughing (well, mostly breathing and a little laughing, and a lot of crying).
Senior spring. Countless movies and books have described this year and these moments to me, but Sarah Dessen and Lizzie McGuire couldn't prepare me for these emotions. Sure, you can talk all you want, but until you are getting ready for your own senior banquet, compiling (and crying over) pictures for your own senior slideshow, and practicing a poem you're going to read at your baccalaureate- you won't quite know how it feels. Weird. Basically, it's weird. You've been doing the same thing with the same people in the same place, and all of a sudden you're not going to anymore. You're not only graduating from high school, you're graduating from childhood, and from everything that you once knew about life. Life, as you knew it, is over. And it's probably one of the most terrifying, exhilarating, freakin' awesome/terrible feelings. You know you are going to radically change nearly every aspect of your environment and surroundings, yet you don't know how. You know where you are going, but not in what capacity. You know you will be doing new things, but not what kind, and you know you will meet fantastic new people, but not who those people are. Basically, it's weird.
I'm going to wrap up this post here- I'll pick up where I left off tomorrow when we are down to fourteen days!
"Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize." - Elizabeth Harrison
live simply.
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