For time's sake, I'm going to retire my old way of starting each blogpost, "Today was..." Going months without blogging no longer qualifies me to be able to talk about the day to day, but rather the grand scheme of moments... in more or less words.
Deciding to blog after a very long hiatus springs from a few different reasons. Primarily, I just haven't had the time to post, and I owe it to my two readers to come up with some new "Taylor Early Experiences". Another reason is living. I realized, a month or so into my blog project that it was, in fact, one of my typical phases. I become enthralled with a particular subject or task and venture to find out everything and anything about that thing. Blogging was another one of those phases.
I've always journaled, doodled, finger-painted, jotted, and more or less encapsulated my life into various, tangible forms. First a college-ruled notebook, then a pretty little book given to me as a gift, I've been penning my thoughts since I was a wee one. It was only fitting that as technology advanced, my medium of choice paralleled the movement. First came various websites that I could play with HTML code (another phase) and then Livejournal. Livejournal was precisely its namesake; your life as a journal. This electronic archive of my angsty youth chronicles the first few years of high school and their highs as well as very lows. Looking back through my posts, I've come to realize that an online presence is just that; you can't live through this persona and quantify your life in a series of line breaks.
Now, it sounds like I'm leading up to a defining moment in this post, but honestly, I am not. I've decided to blog again because even though I'm typing to a screen, writing will always be a release as well as an escape. I'll always go through phases, and some will last longer than others. But one thing will remain constant; sometimes rather than letting the feeling go, its better to just feel.
live simply.