Today, an Ashtanga yogi, in an Ashtanga Shala, told me, ME, that I was born for the Ashtanga practice. Mind you, she dropped this huge, universe-sized bomb on me while I was magically holding my wrist behind my back in a pose rendering my lotus legs and twisted limbs into a position I honestly never imagined my body could contort so effortlessly into. As the yogi's words sunk into my trembling muscles, my inhale slowly turned into a deep belly laugh and I twisted deeper.
"Are you okay?" she offered.
My response-- another laugh and "Yes, perfect!" in between fitful giggles and an attempt to maintain my once smooth Pranayama breaths.
"Good. I hope you stick with this, it will change your life!"
I breathe in again, my final of five breaths, and with my exhale respond, "It's already changed my life, I'm a pretzel!"
Another inhale, exhale, laugh from us both, Vinyasa and back into seated position on our mats, the yogi and I look at each other and smile. She has no idea that with those five words in those five breaths, the light I grew and nurtured and loved within me during my practices in Atenas' very own Casa Grande flickered, as if it was winking at me, reminding me that it was still there, burning and shining and glowing even without my attention.
Little did I know that walking into the studio tonight for a seemingly regular Primary class at a seemingly regular time would offer me a special, individualized practice. A practice with a devoted teacher, not only willing to take my pace but also pushing me past what I thought my body was capable of to what I really can accomplish. I am so, incredibly blessed to be able to return to that light, ignited within my being during those three magical months, whenever! And blessed to have yogis that remind me that my light is special enough to shine brightly and share.
This studio is a place of magic.
Om shanti, shanti, shanti. From the bottom of my heart and the very deepness of my spirit.
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