Monday, December 1, 2014

I woke up with your name on my lips.

Happy Decemberish!
Instead of freaking out about the next two weeks, by the end of which I will be 22 (?!), I'm taking a big Pranayama breath, writing everything down, lighting some incense, sipping some Riesling, and going to bed.

It's nearly 1 AM and rather than subject myself to the same nostalgic rabbit hole as last night, I'm putting my hands up and giving into December. Today marks the beginning of a three week countdown to freedom, Ashtanga yoga, job applications, food blogging, recipe-rewriting, and peace. It doesn't matter if I don't wake up with your name on my lips anymore, I haven't for a long time, and even though I still kind of want to, today I woke up with my own name on my lips. And this Riesling's. Let's do this.

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