Here, let me try to describe how I feel about Brandeis to you:
Brandeis is everything. Everything I ever looked for in life, and yet- everything else I forgot to look for too.
I hope that little description enlightened you. It certainly enlightened me.
As I made my first footsteps as a Brandesian, I was bombarded by a wave of excitement, yelling, and pure ridiculousness in the form of my overly-caffinated and under-slept Orientation Leaders, or OLs. This mob, characterized by their incessant pep and yellow t-shirts embodied Brandeis to the fullest. These hundreds of my new classmates felt so strongly about Brandeis, they wanted to welcome me and the 700 or so of the rest of my classmates with the same open arms. As a result, Orientation Week was a (mostly yellow) blur of ice breakers, changing smiles, and more ice breakers.
Classes started, and I realized that I was no longer in sleepy New Hampshire. Lecture halls filled with hundreds of students sat right alongside 20-person classes, one of which I am almost positive I am the only First Year, in my seemingly sporadic schedule. That's another thing I like about Brandeis; they call us First Years. And we have Quidditch, which I will get to later, and a castle, which I will definitely get to later. Basically I go to Hogwarts. Where my brother begins his junior-year classes at a painful 7:35 AM, none of my classes start before 11:00 AM. This is a blessing as well as a curse. I find myself surpassing my old sleep schedule by hours and getting more REM, but my day rarely ends before 6:00 PM. It is the strangest thing having a class or lecture for 1) only 50 minutes and 2) at 5:00 at night. I find myself walking into my writing seminar as my siblings are walking off the soccer field, and that has been a major adjustment to get used to.
By now, most people have heard of the movie "The Roommate". Since the horror film came out relatively close to the time I was being accepted to college, I made the conscious decision to not put myself through that psychological torture. Besides choosing Brandeis, not watching that movie potentially is the best decision I've ever made. Now approaching my actual point, I am extremely lucky to have ended up on Ren. 3. The people I live with are fantastic. Borderline psychotic, but absolutely wonderful, the residents of my floor reaffirm why I chose Brandeis; they've opened their arms wide to my neuroticism and only pulled me closer. In the month or so that I have been at Deis (I'll most likely be using that more often, it comes out in conversation easier than "Brandeis", plus i like nicknames), I have never been myself more. If you have ever read this blog, you understand how big of a deal my last statement is. If you haven't, I suggest you go back. :)
College is hard. There is a lot of reading. And by a lot I mean an incomprehensible amount. There is no humanly way I can read every piece of material at the magnitude I am being given. This is probably the first time you will see a legitimate math concept make its way onto my blog- any other time I will most likely be making things up (I should probably become a Physics major or something). The relationship my reading and I have goes a little something like this:
amt. of reading*n= n^h where n= number of classes and h= hours per class
I lied. There is no way that was legit.
But back to being Brandesian. (Can I just mention how much I love how alliteration makes its way into my daily life? I LOVE IT.) It is probably the best thing that has happened to me. Sure, the course load is alot (<-- click this, you will (probably) regret it. most likely not. or maybe.) to handle, but I'm learning and liking what I'm learning! Okay, I'm not completely satisfied with my schedule, but that's the great thing about college; you take classes and sometimes they suck but they fulfill requirements, and then you're all done with them! AND WE HAVE A CASTLE. And from my window, I can look over at Chapels Field and watch Quidditch. I'm a huge fan of this college thing.
As I am en route back to my palace, since the motion sickness is starting to set in I think I'll wrap it up here. It's somewhat unrealistic for me to try blogging daily again, but weekly is starting to look like a possibility. Then I can share the ridiculous happenings of Renfield 3 with the blogosphere, which you will most likely not understand, but hopefully appreciate anyways.
A little preface to my pictures: where this blog is not a legitimate journal, I've decided not to share personal details about my romantic life. But that's where it's awesome- I have a romantic life! And I like to take pictures of it. And I'm okay with being barf-tastic. Life is good.

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when they discover that someone else believes in them and is willing to trust them." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
live simply.
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