Today was terrible. I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday morning. That statement in itself explains the lack of pictures in this post. I was feeling so terrible and so swollen that I abandoned my blog duties and honestly failed at my mission. Today was the one day I didn't take any pictures. I was confined to my living room couch and wasn't allowed to eat ANYTHING. Besides slimy yogurt. Ew. I apologize for this post. It was late, barren, and basically a disappointment. On the flip side, my mother gave me my wisdom teeth. They're so gnarly! My dad thinks I should string them onto a necklace. Little does he know that's a possible father's day present in the making. Like father, like daughter, right?
I lied!! I found some pictures hidden on my camera that I took pre-and post-extraction! Hooray!
"Atheism is a non-prophet organization." -George Carlin (Ha ha! I thought this one was pretty clever.)
live simply.
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