Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just Ask the Axis.

I type this 2 AM post from a very chilly dorm room, wondering why my heat is no longer turning on, simultaneously contemplating the investment of flannel long underwear. A rainy, snowy, sleety day has left me feeling rather tired and terribly unfocused. Looking back on my day, I realize two things; I did not leave the comfort of my dorm except to step just outside the door today, and also that although productivity was somewhat limited in an academic scope it was fairly productive in a life-sense. My bed was made, my emails were sent, my i's were dotted and my t's were crossed. The nook that is Room 630 became less of a safe-haven and more of a hermit's dwelling. And quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Fast-approaching, my twentieth birthday has certainly been on my mind. A meaningless age to many young Americans, 20 simply is to some the year before the year. What I don't understand is why it's not by default THE year. Sure, you can't order a glass of wine at dinner or buy you and your buddies a 6-pack (legally), but what's not to celebrate? No longer are you categorically associated with "teens" and the subsequent connotations. You have survived, thrived rather, for two decades in a time that has changed dramatically since our first steps. Floppy discs, the cell phone, the internet- so many things have come and gone within the last twenty years and you've experienced them. Few generations preceding ours grew up with such substantial cultural evolution and you still think that this twentieth year isn't the year to properly celebrate? Priorities, man. Priorities. 

Quickly glancing back, the tone of this post is somewhat hard for me to nail down. I realize that I am typing absentmindedly. I don't have quite the audience I had a few years ago but to those of you who happen to keep up with this blog, I apologize for the rambling. I do hope that although infrequent, these posts- musings rather- inspire some sort of internal discussion. In full disclosure, all this blog chops up to be lately is the overflow of personal battles that due to the public nature of this blog, (and my relatively shy tendencies regarding my personal life) I feel compelled to somehow censor.

One of these days I'll just do it. Pour my heart out. Put it all on the table. Or something like that.
Until then, decipher away all you want, dear readers. 
If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

live simply.

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