Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day Three: A Hard Day's Work

Today was busy. After muscling with the stupid format of these pictures, I finally sat down to blahg about the day's events. I miraculously woke up on time, 8:15 and threw on my favorite jeans and my favorite college tee (Brandeis... cross your fingers for me!). We hit the road, to use a terrible cliche, around 9 and headed down to Exeter for an appointment with our family dentist. Riley chipped her tooth, again, and I originally went for new retainers. Being the lucky girl I am, I found out that I need two of my wisdom teeth removed. Excellent blog material, but not so great in reality. Such is life. 
After the dentist we made our way into Wells, Maine for my younger brother's basketball tournament. I have never seen a grown man fallen so victim to male pattern baldness, as well as be so intense on  an elementary school level. While thoroughly amusing, the psychological and emotional abuse of the players became apparent and I became increasingly more uncomfortable. He needed to grab some Rogain and take a chill pill.        
Lunch was provided by my mother, and the tasty dish up top was a chicken stir-fry quesadilla from D'angelos. In the years I have been to that single restaurant, I've never had a bad sandwich. Don't you just love consistency? 
The photo of the two lovely ladies in the center (I splurged and put up three pictures instead of the promised two) was one of many at the final game in the Brian Doucette hockey tournament. Showing off my Kodak and getting in a few laughs, I was able to snap some quality pictures of my friends at their best (or worst :-P). Gossiping is never more fun than when you gossip at a sporting event. Strange but true.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" -Albert Einstein

live simply.

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