Monday, January 31, 2011

Day Thirty-four: The Art of Napping

Today was, yeah. Aside from a day late, this post is one of my signature posts; full of rambling, doesn't quite have a point, and asks far too many rhetorical questions. I haven't yet posted one of these signatures, but if you've ever followed my Livejournal, or talked to me in person, you'll understand what I mean by signature posts. Post nap- Sunday, January 30th. Buckle up.

Have you ever just wondered why? Why you do the things you do? What makes you think the way you think? What sets you apart from your peers, friends, enemies? How do you carry the same baggage you've been carrying, while you continue to add more in your travels? What do you do when you realize that you can't carry anything else? How do you shake your carry-ons off? What is that one, central thing in your life that keeps you on your track? Is it possible for us to have more than one? What if that thing is something that isn't exactly the most realistic or possible thing? Why is it a crime to be idealistic? Wasn't Marie Curie idealistic? Well, wasn't Curie idealistic at one point in time or another? How can it be a crime to be as full of imagination as possible, but not a crime to be bland and realistic? Can we fault those for trying to fly, despite evolution, or even in celebration of Darwin? What can be said about your life, right now, at this very second? Can you say that you have discarded, recycled rather, the waste of your mind and divulged your life into something "worthwhile"? Why are you afraid to try? How do you know you will fail? How do you know you will not? Can you look through the looking glass? Follow down the rabbit hole? Drink me? Eat me? Paint the roses red? Do you know that every little thing is gonna be alright? I think you're going to be just fine.

"The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination. But the combination is locked up in the safe." -Peter de Vries

live simply.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day Thirty-three: Romance at its Finest


Today was giggly. I woke up to a text from Em, threw on some clothes, and went out to breakfast with her and her mom. The Black Bean Cafe is a quaint, quiet little diner style resturaunt nestled in "downtown" Rollinsford. If you get a chance, you should check it out- very tasty. From there I ended up at E's with S, then we made the journey to the hockey game in Massachusetts to play Alvirne. The game was great. We ended up with a 7-2 win and a number from a "Sexy Mexi" named Carlos. We dropped S off, came home, and C came over. Currently we're watching some terrible reality television, but earlier I destroyed E in Wii frisbee, and even earlier than that we all ate mac and cheese (that E made for us) by candle light. Life really is great, and romantic sometimes.

"As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more." - Jules Renard

live simply.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day Thirty-two: I Got In!

Today was the best. I got into college! Brandeis offered me admission into the Class of 2015. I can't believe I actually did it, I'm so excited! It was a perfect moment. My mother had gone out to do shopping and went to the post office, then came home. I had just gotten out of the shower and thrown on a shirt and shorts when she called up to me with an angry tone in her voice. Not knowing why she would have been angry, I threw up my wet hair in a messy bun and made my way down stairs. She told me "there's something you have to see" and I glanced at the table. The packet was on the table with "Congratulations" written on the front and I screamed. I never scream when I'm excited, but then again I've never been accepted into college before. I opened the packet, read the letter, and my heart nearly stopped with all the excitement coursing in my blood. I'm so excited! Yay Brandeis! Seriously the best feeling in the entire universe. I was over the moon, past Pluto, and onto the next galaxy. Brandeis. My new home.

"We do not remember days; we remember moments." -Cesare Pavese

live simply. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day Thirty-one: Just Do It

Today was Friday. Just kidding, it was another Thursday. Three-day weekends are so glorious. Especially when they start off with two-hour delays. All these magical numbers just bring me back to Math class. And remind me that I still have some left to do. Side note- the picture uploader on this site isn't very friendly, so I'm taking it day by day and hopefully I'll get all the corresponding pictures up in time. Besides Math, I still have some Physics homework, which I surprisingly like. Not the homework, but the class in general. I've always been into the sciences, but I went into the class with preconceptions of gloom and doom. I found, at least so far, that it is just the opposite. Granted we're doing review work with a pinch of new material, it's still a lot more enjoyable than I expected, and 100% more exciting (and bearable) than Spanish. I do have to mention a few things in here though. I'm going to make it quick because I want to get this posted before midnight and for some reason I keep waiting until 11 to start writing these lately. Be happy. Life is not about being miserable, or being around miserable people. Surround yourself with optimism. "Laughter is the best medicine if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired." I'm not quite sure who spoke those words, but they were spot on. Don't take every moment of every day so seriously. It's not always about what's next, it's about what's now and if you're not happy now, make it happen. This moment will pass, high school is not forever. The passage of time is inevitable and change is unavoidable, so embrace it all with a smile. Don't be the cause of your own unhappiness. Instead, be the catalyst for something else. You know what I'm talking about.

"When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you, but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for." -Anon

live simply.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Thirty: Unfamiliarity

Today was weird. I had all new classes and all new subjects. Math, Psych, and Physics. Holy crap I have a long semester ahead of me. As I catch up on one of my favorite TV shows, I am bombarded with conflicting thoughts I've had all day. I'm beyond excited that there are approximately nine weeks left until I graduate, yet for some reason I feel like I need more time. I'm glad I made it through first semester, but I really miss my English class. I'm stoked for Psychology, but nervous for Math and Physics. I hope I get into my first choice school, but what if I don't? All of these thoughts and worries swimming around my head all day gets pretty tiring. I feel like a broken record (to use a bad cliche), and these posts are all starting to sound alike. The truth is, and I haven't actually admitted this to anyone, but I'm scared of getting older. Scared of having to really make my own decisions, even though that's what I've been dying to do for so long, and scared of leaving behind everything that I've finally built for myself. There. I've said it. Nothing left to do but rekindle my friendship with my calculator and catch a big batch of zzzzzzz's.

"Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future." - Robert H. Schuller

live simply.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day Twenty-nine: One Semester Down

Today was a mixture. A mixture of happy and sad; a mixture of feeling relief and reminiscing. Can you guys believe it? We only have one semester left in our high school experience left together. Before I really dig deep into this, I want to say congratulations to my class, we're almost there! Now to continue. Where did all the time go? How did we let all these years pass by so quick? Anybody starting to freak out yet? I am. I've been checked out of high school since approximately third quarter of freshman year, so the fact that there is merely a semester left before I'm done is exhilarating. The only unexpected thing about this equation (Taylor + Graduation = FREE AT LAST, HUZZAH!) is an additional piece; a pit. This pit I've found has many components: fear of rejection by schools, fear of leaving the classmates that I've finally grown close to, fear of not picking the right school, fear of choosing the wrong major, fear of leaving my siblings to grow up without me there. In a nutshell, I'm scared. At the very beginning of senior year, fear wasn't a part of this equation, it wasn't even a passing thought. Now it's a prominent figure in my daily musings, and I'm sure it's the same for most you as well. Our first of our last two semesters of essentially what is our childhood came to a close today at noon. I don't know about you, but I feel like I should have had a celebration and a sob fest all at once. Alright, that is quite enough about graduation. I know it makes a few of you tear up, so I'll switch gears and chat about the remainder of my day.
Chemistry was so lazy. Did I mention how much I loved not having to take a final in that class? Well I LOVED it. I drew Bhill a picture, took a nap, took another nap and studied a little for Spanish (not successful in the least). After running around trying to find C to give him his cookies, and failed,  I unoptimistically made my way to Spanish. Although the entire test was multiple choice, right from the very first question I knew I was not going to be leaving feeling very triumphant. And I was correct. An hour or so later I put my pen down and took another nap, only to wake up a few minutes later. Have you ever felt like you were falling, even if you weren't falling in your dream? That happens to me almost every time I try to sleep in school. It's like an obnoxious, temporarily terrifying, no-fail, no-sleep mechanism. Long description short, I don't sleep in school much. The rest of the day was rather bland. I came home, watched some TV, took a nap, went upstairs and took another nap, then woke up, grabbed a granola bar, and here we are. Sometimes I can't stand how fabulous and overly exciting my life is. Oh and happy eighteenth birthday Bre!

"Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before, let your soul take you where you long to be... Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before." -Erich Fromm

live simply.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Twenty-eight: A Heaping Plate of Justice

Today was emotional. I finally presented my English final. After all the hours I spent, all the paint I got all over my hands, and all the words I typed and repeated over and over paid off. I can't say how good it felt to finally just tell my classmates about what's really going on in my life. I'm not ready to fully let the entire blogosphere in on the trials and tribulations of my life, so that is just another post for another time. When I got towards the end of my presentation, I talked about forgiveness and about the neighborhood kids who made my life hell for years, and showed a lot more emotion than I had anticipated. The person I am now outwardly doesn't tolerate bullying or putting others down intentionally, so I think it came as a shock to some of my classmates that I was first of all shy, and secondly almost the exact opposite of the way I am today. In all, I'm so glad I decided to really let my classmates, well my newfound family, in on my past. Even though it was the last day of Honors English IV, for me it was the best. After English ended (ugh that is so sad to type out), I didn't have a block to take a final due to my A&P TAship, so I floated around a bit and eventually found myself in the library with a couple of friends. Two hours later and my sides are starting to hurt from laughing so much. Following the end of the school day I headed over to the Dover courthouse to testify against the man that threw a sandwich in my face a few months ago while I was at work. Most of you who read this know the story, so I wont elaborate here, but long story short the embarrassing excuse of a human being (I know it's harsh but I'm seriously ashamed to be in the same species as him) as found guilty, and a big 'ol piece of justice was served. It's days like these when my faith in the American justice system is restored. Later on, a nap, three episodes of Bones and a mad dash for brown sugar later and I finished what was apparently a double batch of peanut butter cookies. I modified the recipe and made itty bitty cookies, so when all was said and done I ended up with a plethora of peanut butter treats. I suppose they were good, my various family member s enjoyed them. I personally don't care for that type, I'm a chocolate chip kind of girl at heart. At the end of the day I found that tears, some laughs, and a single word rounded out my day to be not only one of a kind, but really good. The word today was "guilty", but I realized that it changes daily and it's almost never the same. I've said this before, but I'll say it again. It's the little things that have the biggest impact and are the things that are remembered most, so find your little thing or do that little thing for someone else. Maybe you'll turn their day around, or cause them to write a lengthy and optimistic blogpost. Who knows? I don't. But I do know that a single word can have the greatest impact on a person, so make it a good one.

"We are not creatures of circumstance; we are creators of circumstance." - Benjamin Disraeli

live simply.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day Twenty-seven: Recap

Today was tiresome. Up at 5 for work at 6 makes Taylor a grumpy employee. It wasn't really that bad. I worked alone until 10, then my coworker showed up and she brought the customers with her. I literally had three customers in a four hour time-span, so glorious. 1 PM rolled around and I was thoroughly exhausted. I went home, was harassed until I posted pictures from the hockey game on Facebook (thanks, Dee) then instead of napping like I had planned, I started some laundry. I had originally planned on napping a few hours then baking C some cookies, but the laundry and the chores kind of took over, so the cookies will have to wait another day. Not a whole lot besides that happened today, so I'll mention a few things I left out from yesterday's post. After the hockey game, a few of us went to our neighborhood Wendy's where things weren't as peachy as we expected. Scary Mary as she is known had been seemingly camped out at one of the tables and was starting to cause a scene. I won't go into detail, but if you know Scary Mary, or know of her, you'll know what I mean. We were at Wendy's for longer than usual, but nothing huge happened. Oh, except for when E gave S.M. a hair elastic. That made Kevin real jealous. Anyways, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I sure did!

"A heart that loves is always young." - Greek Proverb

live simply.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Twenty-six: A Little Bit of One, Two, Three

Today was busy. After waking up, E and I didn't even grab breakfast. Instead we, well she got ready for the day while I lounged around until she made me get up and move. Here's a quick summary of the day's events:
Pro Nails- time spent waiting for E to get her nails done = time it takes to read approximately two Us Weekly's. Aroma Joe's for the second time in two days. Got C and went on a lovely date to Walmart- time spent looking for a present for C's little brother's 2nd birthday = time it takes for Taylor to post two blogposts. Hmm, let's see. Oh, from there I was brought home to lounge around some more, then after a few hours E, S, and K got me and we headed to the hockey game. 3 periods later we emerged with a 10-4 win. Couldn't tell you the name of the other team, but they got trounced. All in all, this may be the shortest post I have posted yet it was one of the busiest days this week. A week, I might add, that only had one full day of school. Ah, New Hampshire, the place where dreams really do come true.

"No canvas absorbs color like memory." -Robert Aris Willmott

live simply.

Day Twenty-four: Lost Cause

Today was Thursday. Plain and simple, today was like every Thursday. I know it's type-casting, but I thought that males were supposed to be less maintenance and didn't take as long to get ready as females are supposed to. That thought is entirely, completely, scientifically-proven to be very, very wrong. My brother, as much as I love him is a diva. He sleeps in longer than I do, yet he takes at least 20 minutes more than me every single day to get ready for school. More than frustrating and always causing us to be the opposite of our last name, my brother doesn't understand the concept of "early riser" or "on time" or "get out of bed or you're not attending school today". I don't know if you can tell, but it drives me absolutely nuts. Like over the moon, peanuts, cashews, almonds, NUTS. I admit I have my late starts, but he's got this selective hearing going on, even during REM. My mother says that he wouldn't hear a fire alarm unless it called his name and was underneath his pillow. The point I'm trying to make here is that sans car + sleeping beauty = late. Almost every day I am penalized for his seemingly dire need to be pretty. And I needed to blow some steam.
To summarize the rest of my Thursday:
English, great projects! Chemistry, nothing really stood out a lot about 2nd block besides the fact that it was a bit of down time. A&P, so sad! I had a lot of fun as a TA, and Ms. Handy is one of my favorite teachers, so I'm going to miss having her in a class since I've had a class with her almost every semester since sophomore year. Spanish, so funny. After an entire semester of B practically begging for Oh Coqui, we finally sang it and it was so great. If you ever have Senor Barrett, you'll understand what I mean. In all, my day was relatively solid. Solid like a rock.

"Making the beginning is one third of the work." - Irish Proverb

live simply.

Day Twenty-five: Fake Nails and Mystery Pancakes

Today was random. I woke up, only to be told that there was a snow day, so I promptly returned my head to its nook in my pillows for five or so more hours. I say "or so" lightly because I know what time I woke up, but I definitely didn't leave my bed for at least another hour after that. I looked out my window to confirm the fact that I would have to wait four more days to present my English final that I was ready to present on Wednesday and I headed downstairs to scrounge around for some eats. Two snow days in one week, a phenomenon previously unheard of in my years as a scholar. I personally wasn't partial to this day-off; at this rate I'll be graduating in August or September if Mother Nature keeps this stuff up. Usually a fan of the personal days, I had exhausted all my usual snow day activities the previous snow day. Stay in bed until midday- check. Drink copious amounts of hot chocolate- check. Catch up on all the shows I had missed in the days previous- check. Read a bit in my Bob Dylan autobiography- check. As you can see, this list is not lengthy by any means so I'm typically able to get through it with ease. It's also meant for once-in-a-while days, not twice-in-a-whiles. So I switched my cocoa to tea, watched an Andy Warhol documentary and cracked open the Bob Dylan. Thankfully, E called and so we headed out to cause our usual mayhem with our sidekick C. (Haha E, I hope you appreciate that!) After E threw a few temper tantrums while shoveling, the three of us made our way to IHOP where I had the worst chicken sandwich with a side of food poisoning (not really), E had a waffle and some deadly chocolate milk, and C scarfed down a meatlovers omelet. For some reason, our server brought out a plate of pancakes, even though none of us ordered any. Perhaps its complimentary? I have no idea, that particular outing was only the second time that I have been to IHOP. E and C were disappointed in that fact. Back to E's chocolate milk story. Sometimes when E gets tired she can't stop laughing. When you throw in a liquid, that's when the real party starts. Except not really. Typically what happens is E has a brush with death, and tonight was one of those typical times. Hours later, even after we had gone back to her house and were tucked in for bed she was still coughing. Just goes to show that when it comes to beverages, it's best not to inhale them.

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight." - Phyllis Diller

live simply.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Twenty-three: How Great is This?

Today was great! Two-hour delay = deliciously wonderful. Unfortunately the delay didn't fare well when it came to our English presentations and we're running out of time to get everyone's in. I really appreciated the kind words from a couple of my classmates. I didn't realize that I had had a profound enough impact on them to be included in their presentation, and the inclusion alone made me feel great, let alone the words that were said. I'm really going to miss Honors English IV. That is definitely a class that would have been great to take for two semesters. I'm excited to present, and I love the presentations that have been presented so far, but it's coming to a close and it's heart-breaking. On a lighter note, I don't have to take my Chemistry final! Ah you don't understand how much I was dreading that, and now that I've finally done enough make-up work/extra credit/groveling (haha not really groveling, I'm just being dramatic) I've gotten my semester average up high enough where I'm in the clear. So satisfying, and relieving. Spanish was spanish as per usual. Even though I dread going everyday, somehow it always ends up being hilarious, even when I'm the one being scolded. Today however it was D, and for one reason or another his bad day caused him to be sassy to Senor Burrito, which was highly entertaining. I SO can't wait for Physics to take Spanish's place. I'm pretty excited for my new classes, Math, Psychology and Physics, and I'm also stoked about our hockey team's huge win tonight! Congratulations, boys! It was such an awesome game. We came back with three amazing goals after being down 0-1. Shout out to Blue Crew- we're seriously the best fans in the league. Off to edit, practice, and finalize my English final then catch as many Zzzzzzzzzzzz's as possible. Goodnight, world. Today was an exceptional day and I tip my hat to you. And I am indeed wearing a Snuggie (Thanks, Amber!)

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." - C. S. Lewis

live simply. 

Day Twenty-two: The Snowday Follies, or Lack Thereof

Today was counterproductive. Well, not necessarily completely counterproductive. You'll notice that this post is a day late (but not a dollar short). I'm slowly but surely catching up, don't worry. Woke up at the normal time only to be told that there was a snow day, so I delightfully went back to sleep for a few more hours, aka six or so. After my marathon homework session, it was some well-deserved rest. I woke up with only a few more hours before I was to head into work, so I got down to business. A few hours later I cranked out a post, sent off a finished lab report, and was bundling up for my trek to work. Flash forward a couple hours and I was right back snuggled up in my bed working on the format of my English final (which I'm still doing now!). I really didn't mind the snow, it's just the ice that's got everyone so worked up. Main Street is a giant Slip 'n' Slide, which sounds awesome in theory, but in reality is for the most part bad news bears. I topped the night off with some catching up on reality television, a few dozen clementines, and a few more edits to my final. Isn't the Taylor Early Experience just so glamorous? (That's aimed directly at you, D & Z)

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle

PS: Hey D, I'm not wearing my Clark sweatshirt in this one!

live simply.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Twenty-one: Disconnected? No, Reconnected

Today was (somewhat) productive. (Note: this post was due yesterday evening. I'm not a slacker, I have good reason. Read on.) Even though I didn't have my laptop for most of the day due to the fact that it was being ravaged by a virus, I still was able to crank out a ton of work on my Chemistry lab and my English final. Here's a quick summarization of the day's events (quick because I'm about to fall asleep):
Woke up. Neighbor came over to "play" with my laptop. Snuggled on the couch while my laptop was being torn apart. Got tired of snuggling and typed up most of the lab report. Got bored of the lab and did some painting for the final. Took some pictures, took some notes. Threw everything together in Movie Maker. Stayed up forever formatting and reformatting. Estimated time of sleep? 4:05 AM. Finished projects? 1 of 2. Fixed laptop? 1 of 1. Tired Taylor? Yup.

"A man's real possession is his memory. In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor." -Alexander Smith

PS: I realize that in at least four out of the last six of my pictures I'm wearing the same Clark sweatshirt. This is because of two reasons: 1. It's super, super comfortable. 2. It's the warmest sweatshirt I own, and since it's a zip-up, its relatively easy to pull on when I'm doing homework. I promise I'm a clean person.

live simply.

Day Twenty: Derailed

Today was super frustrating. As you may know if you're an avid reader of this blog, this post is three days late. This was not done on purpose. Instead of being able to blog at my usual time, my computer decided instead to crash. Someone decided to infect a ton of my program files with this nasty virus and it pretty much left my laptop paralyzed. Long story short, my neighbor was able to finagle the virus and restore my laptop to its former crappy glory. I was able to use my brother's computer for email and to type up a lab, but all my pictures were on this computer, so that pretty much meant blogging wasn't an option until I got this sucker back up and running.
Anyways, back to the day. January 15th- the last day of turning in applications! Once I send out my application fees and my SAT scores I'll be completely finished with the college application process. Then comes the good part; waiting. I do have to say this, I feel so much lighter already knowing all my applications and essays and supplements and such are all in (for the most part). And I won't have to do this again unless I do a PG. But that's much later, and today is great! Beyond my computer, earlier I got out of work late, so I couldn't go to the hockey game. Instead I stayed in with a bowl of Thin Mint ice cream, my pile of homework and my English final. It was still a productive night after an unproductive start. Success.

"The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water;but to walk on the earth." -Chinese Proverb

live simply.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day Nineteen: TGIF

Today was excruciating. (Note: the tone of this post will not be as positive as usual, I've never been one to sugarcoat my feelings, so enjoy.)
English-tiring. Chemistry- tiring and stressful. A&P- interesting but somewhat dragged along. Spanish- wonderful as usual. After school I had my weekly-ish coffee date with A, which like always is pretty relaxing. My weekly dose of college talk, gossip, and caffeine typically goes over well, so that was an upside to an otherwise dull day.  Congratulations to our boys and girls basketball teams! The guys demolished Winnisquam, and the girls brought home a win as well. After the game was when the real fun started. After being harassed by a very rude neighbor, I came inside to try and sort out my essay situations/homework/lab report/college stuff with little luck. Usually I can figure out phrases and clauses with ease, but lately the stress of things have been eating away at me. Detachment comes in handy, but it's difficult to detach yourself a majority of the day, a majority of the week. As a result, I feel like a zombie. But a zombie with an unbelievable amount of crap hanging over them. Bad news bears.

PS: I am and will always be a Sagittarius, through and through.

"Patience and fortitude conquer all things." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

live simply.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day Eighteen: Ironically, a Big Fat Scaredy Cat

Today was slow. It started off relatively well, as most two-hour delays do, then progressively became more sluggish as the day trucked on. First block, however was the exception to this snail of a day. Three of my classmates presented their final projects in our English class and I was thoroughly impressed. Even though there has been past tension with some of them, I'm really glad that I was able to share not only the educational but the personal experience with these really great people. The rest of the day kind of merged together: retook a Chemistry test, helped identify muscles in mink dissections, endured yet another brutal Spanish class, and came home to a grumpy baby brother. Deciding to blog a little earlier than usual was the only logical move after a day like that, but as I sat down to write, I found that I didn't have much to blog about. I mean, I could have listed the problems off of my Chem test, or described the gooey fat that the A&P students had to remove from the minks (yeah, that was pretty gross, sorry for the lack of a disclaimer!), but I found those two topics to be rather bland. I could have gone into detail about the pronunciation of this ridiculously hard word or just how sassy the terrible two-year old was being but these ideas seemed to hit a dead end fast. So I sat. Actually, I watched The Social Network, which I found fascinating. This Regular Joe kid, well okay not necessarily Regular Joe, he was a Harvard wiz kid after all, came up with one of the biggest and most technologically linking ideas of the century. Facebook is everywhere; in the way we talk, the way we think, and at least for me, the best way to waste hours of time. It was so crazy to see how in just two weeks Mark Zuckerman engineered the idea and made it come to life. That's when it hit me. Fear. Fear of not knowing and fear of failure. Mark Zuckerman created this social network, what do I have to show? Constantly putting off homework and applications and essays, it's all because of fear. Putting your future, and essentially your life into someone else's hands is the hardest thing I've had to do thus far in my life, yet the most exhilarating. Even though there is a chance that I can get in, or a chance that someone will like what I have to say I'm still afraid. Afraid of the rejection, afraid of the denial, afraid of the judgement. I know who I am, and I know what I can do. I'm just as capable as anyone else out there, and yet there is still this tendency to shrink back and let others do the shining. Well, not anymore. At least not tonight. Cheers to doing the best, wanting the best, being the best. Tonight I'm going to be number one. And tomorrow? Who knows. Cross your fingers for me.

"Have no fear of perfection- you'll never reach it." -Salvador Dali

live simply.