Today was weird. I had all new classes and all new subjects. Math, Psych, and Physics. Holy crap I have a long semester ahead of me. As I catch up on one of my favorite TV shows, I am bombarded with conflicting thoughts I've had all day. I'm beyond excited that there are approximately nine weeks left until I graduate, yet for some reason I feel like I need more time. I'm glad I made it through first semester, but I really miss my English class. I'm stoked for Psychology, but nervous for Math and Physics. I hope I get into my first choice school, but what if I don't? All of these thoughts and worries swimming around my head all day gets pretty tiring. I feel like a broken record (to use a bad cliche), and these posts are all starting to sound alike. The truth is, and I haven't actually admitted this to anyone, but I'm scared of getting older. Scared of having to really make my own decisions, even though that's what I've been dying to do for so long, and scared of leaving behind everything that I've finally built for myself. There. I've said it. Nothing left to do but rekindle my friendship with my calculator and catch a big batch of zzzzzzz's.
"Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future." - Robert H. Schuller
live simply.
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