Today was back on track. My first day back from the long break and I felt like I never left. My high-strung tendencies crept back with the first chimes of the bell as I slunk into familiar territory. I was so excited to discuss Tuesdays With Morrie, and all we did on it was talk about what we would do if we were in Morrie's shoes. Not that that's a bad thing to talk about, I was just hoping to get into deeper topics, or touch on some of the incredibly inspiring words on forgiveness and love and life in general. Hopefully we get to, it's already a shame that some of my classmates sold themselves short by not reading the novel in its entirety, we don't need to lose more value in the words and phrases beyond that. Although I could feel the thoughts swirling and spinning in my mind, I didn't really feel the effects of my extended vacation until Chemistry. Luckily the uncertainty and uneasiness drifted away as I fell back into the familiar phrases- ionic, covalent, polarity, ions, solution, moles, molecular weight. Sure, I'm not the greatest mathematician that walked the halls of SHS but it's just so natural. I'll take 40 practice problems on finding the molarity of a solute over matrices and systems any day.
Beyond academics within my current year, I sought out former and current teachers and recruited them for my next step: (hopefully) a post graduate year at Exeter. Three down, one to go. All that's left is the essay portion, application and some technical stuff. While I can see myself at Brandeis; sitting in the student center in the middle of the hubbub, coffee in hand and making my way across the beautiful campus to the brand new science library, I'm always open to new paths. Perhaps Exeter is a path that will lead to more doors. Perhaps I'll end up at Brandeis, or UVM, or even Middlebury. Wherever I end up, I'll be proud because I, me, Taylor Early made it happen.
Now on to the construction-paper confections! Since our winter semi-formal theme is "Candy Land", myself and most of the Council (Student, that is) spent an hour or so creating sweet inedible treats for this coming Saturday. I decided to make a few cupcakes, and in turn got roped into creating a chain. Flash forward a few hours and we have a plethora of pastries! (I don't know what it is about alliteration today but I'm all about it.) Tomorrow I'll be glitterizing, yes I definitely just created a new word (Take that, Merriam and Webster!) said cupcakes and starting in on the collection of snowflakes my fellow council members started today. Everyone needs a few minutes of arts 'n' crafts, besides being a creative outlet those few minutes allow you to focus on only the task at hand. Too many times are we caught multitasking and giving a little attention to this, a little attention to that. Can you say you put 100% of your effort and attention into constructing twenty kaleidoscopic cupcakes? I can.
"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time." -Anonymous
live simply.
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