Today was Thursday. Plain and simple, today was like every Thursday. I know it's type-casting, but I thought that males were supposed to be less maintenance and didn't take as long to get ready as females are supposed to. That thought is entirely, completely, scientifically-proven to be very, very wrong. My brother, as much as I love him is a diva. He sleeps in longer than I do, yet he takes at least 20 minutes more than me every single day to get ready for school. More than frustrating and always causing us to be the opposite of our last name, my brother doesn't understand the concept of "early riser" or "on time" or "get out of bed or you're not attending school today". I don't know if you can tell, but it drives me absolutely nuts. Like over the moon, peanuts, cashews, almonds, NUTS. I admit I have my late starts, but he's got this selective hearing going on, even during REM. My mother says that he wouldn't hear a fire alarm unless it called his name and was underneath his pillow. The point I'm trying to make here is that sans car + sleeping beauty = late. Almost every day I am penalized for his seemingly dire need to be pretty. And I needed to blow some steam.
To summarize the rest of my Thursday:
English, great projects! Chemistry, nothing really stood out a lot about 2nd block besides the fact that it was a bit of down time. A&P, so sad! I had a lot of fun as a TA, and Ms. Handy is one of my favorite teachers, so I'm going to miss having her in a class since I've had a class with her almost every semester since sophomore year. Spanish, so funny. After an entire semester of B practically begging for Oh Coqui, we finally sang it and it was so great. If you ever have Senor Barrett, you'll understand what I mean. In all, my day was relatively solid. Solid like a rock.
"Making the beginning is one third of the work." - Irish Proverb
live simply.
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