Today was great! Two-hour delay = deliciously wonderful. Unfortunately the delay didn't fare well when it came to our English presentations and we're running out of time to get everyone's in. I really appreciated the kind words from a couple of my classmates. I didn't realize that I had had a profound enough impact on them to be included in their presentation, and the inclusion alone made me feel great, let alone the words that were said. I'm really going to miss Honors English IV. That is definitely a class that would have been great to take for two semesters. I'm excited to present, and I love the presentations that have been presented so far, but it's coming to a close and it's heart-breaking. On a lighter note, I don't have to take my Chemistry final! Ah you don't understand how much I was dreading that, and now that I've finally done enough make-up work/extra credit/groveling (haha not really groveling, I'm just being dramatic) I've gotten my semester average up high enough where I'm in the clear. So satisfying, and relieving. Spanish was spanish as per usual. Even though I dread going everyday, somehow it always ends up being hilarious, even when I'm the one being scolded. Today however it was D, and for one reason or another his bad day caused him to be sassy to Senor Burrito, which was highly entertaining. I SO can't wait for Physics to take Spanish's place. I'm pretty excited for my new classes, Math, Psychology and Physics, and I'm also stoked about our hockey team's huge win tonight! Congratulations, boys! It was such an awesome game. We came back with three amazing goals after being down 0-1. Shout out to Blue Crew- we're seriously the best fans in the league. Off to edit, practice, and finalize my English final then catch as many Zzzzzzzzzzzz's as possible. Goodnight, world. Today was an exceptional day and I tip my hat to you. And I am indeed wearing a Snuggie (Thanks, Amber!)
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." - C. S. Lewis
live simply.
SNUGGIE! Ahh, I saw it and got SO, over-the-moon excited!