Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Sixteen: So Don't Look Down


Today was cold. It was a chilly day out, but it was also cold in my heart. Recently I've been thinking alot about the past few years and for some reason I don't find a lot to look back on with warm regards.
That's all a lie. The drama lately and I suppose the kind of music I've been blogging to (thanks, Taylor Swift) has got me sitting in the middle of a grey cloud. Around me are the ususal sunny skies, but I can't quite find my way out of this cotton candy cage. Eventually I claw my way out with smiles and lots of laughing, but why was I in there in the first place? You know, I'm not quite sure. I think everyone has those days when they don't feel like doing that paper or assignment or even really being as "you", but I realized that's okay. It's okay to feel, contrary to popular belief. It's not about being sunshine and rainbows and spreading the love all day everyday. You're allowed to be human every once in a while. We forget that sometimes. We get so caught up in trying to feel feelings that really aren't right for us to feel right in that moment and we don't really listen to ourselves. Don't worry about anybody else's feelings, make sure everything is alright in your world. Listen to yourself. Take the time to figure out what it's going to take to clear your skies and fly on through.

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

live simply.

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