Today was Friday. Just kidding, it was another Thursday. Three-day weekends are so glorious. Especially when they start off with two-hour delays. All these magical numbers just bring me back to Math class. And remind me that I still have some left to do. Side note- the picture uploader on this site isn't very friendly, so I'm taking it day by day and hopefully I'll get all the corresponding pictures up in time. Besides Math, I still have some Physics homework, which I surprisingly like. Not the homework, but the class in general. I've always been into the sciences, but I went into the class with preconceptions of gloom and doom. I found, at least so far, that it is just the opposite. Granted we're doing review work with a pinch of new material, it's still a lot more enjoyable than I expected, and 100% more exciting (and bearable) than Spanish. I do have to mention a few things in here though. I'm going to make it quick because I want to get this posted before midnight and for some reason I keep waiting until 11 to start writing these lately. Be happy. Life is not about being miserable, or being around miserable people. Surround yourself with optimism. "Laughter is the best medicine if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired." I'm not quite sure who spoke those words, but they were spot on. Don't take every moment of every day so seriously. It's not always about what's next, it's about what's now and if you're not happy now, make it happen. This moment will pass, high school is not forever. The passage of time is inevitable and change is unavoidable, so embrace it all with a smile. Don't be the cause of your own unhappiness. Instead, be the catalyst for something else. You know what I'm talking about.
"When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you, but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for." -Anon
live simply.
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