Today was long. I never realized this before, but as human beings we naturally possess a self-preservation instinct. Despite this instinct, we also have a conflicting, yet almost equally as prevalent predisposition to self-destruction. This dangerous, often times unpredictable streak goes unnoticed, until the last second. A close friend, almost a little sister, procrastination has haunted me many a project, assignment, and task throughout my years as a student, but I could never quite figure out why. Teachers chalked it up to laziness, my parents nodded in disproval. I wondered why I would cause so much stress and suffering for myself, when in fact I have all the time and resources I could possibly need to succeed on a more structured and sane timeline. This perfection, this unattainable goal of ultimate goodness is exactly what it is: unattainable. Although you may be the smartest person you know, you're bound to fall victim to the tag team of procrastination and self doubt. This rascally pair often make themselves busy during times in which you want nothing to do with them, yet they still make appearances. Although not everyone is played the fool by them, they're still every bit as destructive as a bull in a china shop, to use a terrible cliche. The secret, there's always a secret to these kinds of things, is to believe in yourself. Once you let Tweedledee and Tweedledum take charge, you're gonna need a bigger boat. But if you believe that you, yes you, can do whatever is set before you, that predisposition falls to the wayside and you glide right by. I have had my fair share battles, and up until now I had lost nearly all of them. The voices that poke fun and the words that depress instead of inspire aren't allowed here anymore. I'm tired of being told how incapable I am, and you should be too. We've all got something to offer, whether it's an invention, a smile, or even just a positive thought. Stand up and embrace the tension of opposites, 'cause in the end "love always wins."
"Love is freedom." -Billy Trisna
live simply.
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