Today was emotional. I finally presented my English final. After all the hours I spent, all the paint I got all over my hands, and all the words I typed and repeated over and over paid off. I can't say how good it felt to finally just tell my classmates about what's really going on in my life. I'm not ready to fully let the entire blogosphere in on the trials and tribulations of my life, so that is just another post for another time. When I got towards the end of my presentation, I talked about forgiveness and about the neighborhood kids who made my life hell for years, and showed a lot more emotion than I had anticipated. The person I am now outwardly doesn't tolerate bullying or putting others down intentionally, so I think it came as a shock to some of my classmates that I was first of all shy, and secondly almost the exact opposite of the way I am today. In all, I'm so glad I decided to really let my classmates, well my newfound family, in on my past. Even though it was the last day of Honors English IV, for me it was the best. After English ended (ugh that is so sad to type out), I didn't have a block to take a final due to my A&P TAship, so I floated around a bit and eventually found myself in the library with a couple of friends. Two hours later and my sides are starting to hurt from laughing so much. Following the end of the school day I headed over to the Dover courthouse to testify against the man that threw a sandwich in my face a few months ago while I was at work. Most of you who read this know the story, so I wont elaborate here, but long story short the embarrassing excuse of a human being (I know it's harsh but I'm seriously ashamed to be in the same species as him) as found guilty, and a big 'ol piece of justice was served. It's days like these when my faith in the American justice system is restored. Later on, a nap, three episodes of Bones and a mad dash for brown sugar later and I finished what was apparently a double batch of peanut butter cookies. I modified the recipe and made itty bitty cookies, so when all was said and done I ended up with a plethora of peanut butter treats. I suppose they were good, my various family member s enjoyed them. I personally don't care for that type, I'm a chocolate chip kind of girl at heart. At the end of the day I found that tears, some laughs, and a single word rounded out my day to be not only one of a kind, but really good. The word today was "guilty", but I realized that it changes daily and it's almost never the same. I've said this before, but I'll say it again. It's the little things that have the biggest impact and are the things that are remembered most, so find your little thing or do that little thing for someone else. Maybe you'll turn their day around, or cause them to write a lengthy and optimistic blogpost. Who knows? I don't. But I do know that a single word can have the greatest impact on a person, so make it a good one.
"We are not creatures of circumstance; we are creators of circumstance." - Benjamin Disraeli
live simply.
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