Today was tiresome. Up at 5 for work at 6 makes Taylor a grumpy employee. It wasn't really that bad. I worked alone until 10, then my coworker showed up and she brought the customers with her. I literally had three customers in a four hour time-span, so glorious. 1 PM rolled around and I was thoroughly exhausted. I went home, was harassed until I posted pictures from the hockey game on Facebook (thanks, Dee) then instead of napping like I had planned, I started some laundry. I had originally planned on napping a few hours then baking C some cookies, but the laundry and the chores kind of took over, so the cookies will have to wait another day. Not a whole lot besides that happened today, so I'll mention a few things I left out from yesterday's post. After the hockey game, a few of us went to our neighborhood Wendy's where things weren't as peachy as we expected. Scary Mary as she is known had been seemingly camped out at one of the tables and was starting to cause a scene. I won't go into detail, but if you know Scary Mary, or know of her, you'll know what I mean. We were at Wendy's for longer than usual, but nothing huge happened. Oh, except for when E gave S.M. a hair elastic. That made Kevin real jealous. Anyways, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I sure did!
"A heart that loves is always young." - Greek Proverb
live simply.
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